Strengthening the Earth’s Foundation with Jet Grouting: A Ground Reinforcement Technique
Jet grouting is a ground reinforcement technique. One or several jets of fluid with high kinetic energy are used to break apart and mix the ground with a liquid cement slurry so as to form a column of “soil concrete”.
Jet grouting technique
One or several jets of fluid with high kinetic energy are used to break apart and mix the ground with a liquid cement slurry so as to form a column of “soil concrete”.
Jet grouting advantages
Jet grouting improves the mechanical characteristics of the soil using a fluid jetting with very high kinetic energy that breaks up the soil structure and mixes the soil particles in-situ with a grout to create a homogeneous mass of high strength reinforced soil-cement material.
Depending on the overall design and soil conditions, several methods of treatment have been developed (single or double curtain wall, secant columns walls, plugs, isolated columns, etc.) making of jet grouting a flexible technique.
Jet Grouting FAQ
Depending on the equipment used, the energy applied and the type of ground, columns can be implemented with diameters between 0.5 and 3.0 meters. The largest diameters are obtained by simultaneously or sequentially injecting several types of fluid (double jet = slurry + air, triple jet = slurry + air + water).
Jet grouting is poorly suited, as a rule, to soils with blocks and rough gravel, to organic materials and to soils through which large volumes of water flow.