Project Details


The project site is located in the Al Shamkha region of Abu Dhabi and is located approximately 40km from the centre of Abu Dhabi island and approximately 10km from the Capital District and Abu Dhabi International Airport. The proposed Baniyas North Development project comprises a development area of ~900 ha and is planned to directly respond to the cultural and traditional values of Emirati families. The existing ground levels in the PDA vary between +39.0 m NADD and +20.5 m NADD with the highest point in the north-east corner of the PDA, the existing ground gradually slopes down toward the west. Water table was below the improvement depth.

After the ground improvement work was carried out ZLTs and CPTs were performed to verify the improvement works. (1 ZLT every 250,000m2 and 1 CPT every 900m2).

Ground Conditions

Silty to very silty, slightly gravelly to gravelly Sand (locally sandy Gravel) was encountered in the majority of exploratory holes from ground level, to depths of 11.8 m bgl, with an average thickness of 3.6 m. The deposits were typically described as yellowish grey to greyish brown, slightly gravelly to gravelly, slightly silty to silty, fine to coarse Sand, non plastic and moist. The gravels are described as subangular to subrounded, fragments of sandstone.

Menard Solution

Silty to very silty, slightly gravelly to gravelly Sand (locally sandy Gravel) was encountered in the majority of exploratory holes from ground level, to depths of 11.8 m bgl, with an average thickness of 3.6 m. The deposits were typically described as yellowish grey to greyish brown, slightly gravelly to gravelly, slightly silty to silty, fine to coarse Sand, non plastic and moist. The gravels are described as subangular to subrounded, fragments of sandstone.

Selected Techniques:

Dynamic Compaction | Rapid Impact Compaction

Treatment Area:

DC compacted area:657880 sqm
RIC compacted area: 634409 sqm

Project Location:

United Arab Emirates

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